Museo Nazionale Cerite

Housed inside the Ruspoli Castle, built in the 13th century, the Cerite National Museum is one of the most important landmarks to discover the history of the Etruscan people.
The museum houses the finds from the Necropolis of the ancient Etruscan city of Caere, and in particular those found in the archaeological excavations carried out in the Necropolis of Banditaccia.

The museum is divided into two levels and the rooms organized in chronological order.

  • The most ancient period is represented by some grave goods found in the Sorbo Necropolis, mainly male cinerary urns – recognizable by the helmet-shaped lid – and female – with bowl-shaped lid -.
  • On the other hand, from the orientalizing period, around the 7th century BC, finds from the Necropolis of Monte Abatone, Laghetto and Casaletti di Ceri are exhibited. Very interesting is a decorated vase that probably depicts Helen and Menelaus, dating back to the 7th century BC, a cinerary urn depicting a married couple and a small red hut urn with white decorations, also from the 7th century BC.
  • Particularly interesting is the collection of Greek imported grave goods, discovered in the chamber tombs of the Necropolis of Banditaccia, including an Etruscan Corinthian crater, a balsamarium and an oionchoe (a sort of jug).
  • They date back to the 6th century BC. some artifacts from the necropolises of Monte Anatone and Baditaccia, especially Corinthian and Laconic vases, characteristic Attic ceramics decorated with black figures, Kylikes, traditional amphorae with inscriptions and red figures, including a beautiful kylix depicting Peleus and Tethys. But also Hydrai Ceretane (ceramics) and some interesting buccheri. Of particular interest are the two sarcophagus lids from the Tamsnie Tomb.

The museum tour ends with the exhibition of some votive objects that come from the ancient temple of Manganello and the Odescalchi Collection, inside which numerous Etruscan and Greek vases from Italy stand out, the oldest dating back to the 7th century BC. the most recent to the Roman age.

Museo Nazionale Cerite

Piazza Santa Maria snc – 00052 Cerveteri RM
Tel. 069941354

Opening time

Tuesday-Sunday from 8.30 to 19.30


€ 6 museum
€ 10 cumulative ticket museum + necropolis

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